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How it Works

How it Works

ENSOL Agro is a 100% biodegradable liquid product that reduces odours and solids by stimulating naturally occurring and already present aerobic and faculative bacteria. In the presence of accessible oxygen, these bacteria grow exponentially and enhance aerobic processes.
A large colony of nitrifying bacteria will stabilise ammonium nitrogen. This oxidizes ammonium to nitrates, nitrites and bacterial (organic) immobilised nitrogen. ENSOL Agro, supplied at the correct dosage will provide 350 - 400 ppm of oxygen to the nitrifying bacteria, allowing them to thrive.

Aerobic Digestion

Aerobic Digestion

Waste that has conditions suitable for aerobic waste digestion is far more active than anaerobic waste. Aerobically digested waste will be digested many times faster than anaerobically digested waste with little or no odour produced during the process.  

The list below shows the effect of oxygen in an effluent pond:

Dissolved Oxygen

Very low



Medium high

High (>1mg/L)

Biochemical reactions

H2 & CO2 to CH4

SO4 to H2S, HS-


NH2 to NO2

NH4+ to NO3-,NO2-

Biological processes



Anaerobic/ Aerobic



Effective aerobic treatment inhibits anaerobic bacteria reducing or eliminating related emissions.  The reduced nutrient loss from the pond can then be returned to the pasture. The bottom line of the table shows the reduction of ammonia (NH4) by nitrification to Nitrate (NO3) and Nitrite (N02). 

(Weeds like ammonia).

However, the amount of Oxygen required for nitrifying aerobic conditions is generally much greater than most mechanical aerators can provide, (5-8 ppm of dissolved oxygen).  Mechanically aerated waste can often still show high concentrations of anaerobic, purple-sulphur bacteria. 

Modern fertilizers can make cows urine very high in nitrates which means the effluent contains lots of nitrogen requiring lots of oxygen to oxidize the NH4. 

Why it Works

Why it Works

ENSOL Agro is a liquid. This allows as much oxygen as is required to be added to the waste being treated. ENSOL Arow migrates throughout the waste turning all of it aerobic. The Oxygen in ENSOL Agro is preferred by bacteria over dissolved oxygen (D.O) to the extent that they rapidly become hyper-aerobic and become more active than with D.O. alone. With ENSOL Agro far more oxygen can be added than by any other normal chemical or mechanical means.

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